Lead & empower

Founded in 1964 by Juan M. Isáis and his wife Elisabeth. The Latin American Mission of Mexico (MILAMEX) shares the redemptive message of Jesus Christ in a practical and relevant way to the daily life of each person, to reach every corner of Mexico and the world.

Grounded on biblical truth, we create and cultivate fresh and accessible tools that embody the fusion of life and faith.

Our mission is to lead and empower Latinos & Latinas to walk alongside the Church and serve Christ in all areas of life.


 At Milamex we seek the everyday expression of life and faith

Through strategic encounters within an intercultural and intergenerational community, we create a safe space for the creative expression and development of stories that result in holistic growth and health. This hospitality spreads worldwide, impacting the hearts of travelers, pilgrims, ambassadors, and the local church.

Milamex (Latin American Mission of Mexico) has been around for over 50 years and is constantly looking for ways to serve and walk alongside the church by empowering others in their calling. It is a non-profit organization run by a team of local Jesus followers seeking to serve and share the Truth in different ways. Our headquarters are located in the Coyoacán neighborhood, in the southern region of Mexico City.

The roots of our mission : why Milamex exists?

There is an urgent need to get back to the basics of the Gospel. Many of our cultural values cause Christians to struggle with how to integrate their faith and their everyday life. This causes confusion, pain and division, hindering the impact of the Church as salt and light of the World.

What do we do ?

Today, we continue to be committed to serving the Church of Christ and following the motto "Not to be served, but to serve."

We are a community of believers committed to following Jesus Christ, and we strive to serve Him by communicating, collaborating, and connecting the Church of Christ with the mission of God.

One of our goals is to communicate what the fusion of life and faith is like in a practical way that can be implemented into everyday living.

Our focus on connection means we offer a safe place where genuine and meaningful relationships are developed, which are an integral part of advancing the Truth of Jesus Christ and his transforming work.

The collaboration area of our work operates within the simple, but profound reality that the Kingdom of God advances through friendship. With this in mind, we seek to facilitate valuable connections with and between churches, organizations, leaders, friends, and more. 

We pursue intergenerational culture, intercession, integrity, service attitude, teamwork, excellence, being Christ-centered, and celebrating risk in serving God and our fellow people.

We seek to be a place where people meet God and discover His purpose. Each person's story, art, beauty, spirituality, experience, and connections with others are important to us. We know that living in healthy solitude leads to living in a healthy community, and that environment prepares us for effective ministry; these three areas are intrinsically intertwined.

We do all of this through our various ministries. You can learn more about them below. We invite you to get involved and be part of what God is doing here.

Our ecosystem of solution for a fusion of life and faith

At Milamex, we believe that life and faith work together and therefore over the years we have developed a range of sub-branches to reflect our unique philosophy with the sole purpose of walking alongside Christians in all areas of their life.

Check all our ministries and get involved in spreading God’s word.

Milamex Ediciones

A publishing initiative that trains and encourages Latino Christian writers through La Verdad Creativa.

Coro Asaf

An interdenominational choir focused on worship as a way of life.

Latin Mobilization Center

A coaching program to awaken, connect, and involve professionals with God's mission.

Warm Heart Community

A place of rest where backpackers and volunteers can experience a Christ-centered community.

Latin Mobilization Center

A comprehensive, Christ-centered health program for Latinos who want to be good stewards of their bodies.

Campamento KikoMar

A consecrated place for churches and organizations to hold events, camps, and retreats.

Manifesto: Jesus is the only way

Our beliefs require us to stand against the culture of our surroundings

The culture says it doesn’t matter what God you believe in as long as you believe in a God, but we declare that Jesus is the only way, the truth, and the life.

The culture says that God is for those who invent him. We know God exists regardless of whether people believe in him or not.

The culture says that Christians are illogical fanatics, but we believe that it is possible to be believers who are sensible, intelligent, and use reason in conjunction with faith.

The culture says you should always do what you think is good for you. However, we consider the Bible to be the ultimate authority, and we strive to act based on its teachings.

The culture says that the purpose of life is to be happy. We recognize that the purpose of life is to glorify God.

The culture says that success is found in money, power, fame, and beauty. We know the only meaningful success is found in loving and serving God and our neighbors.

Our relationship with God: love, surrendering & eternal

We believe that it is not possible to reach God on our own, but that He reached us in love through Jesus Christ.

We believe that we cannot enter heaven by being good people, but by having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

We believe it’s not about being perfect before coming to Christ, but that He changes us profoundly when we surrender our life to him.

We believe that faith in Christ involves coming to him even though we cannot resolve all of our doubts. He invites us to an eternal journey of profound understanding.

We believe God does not throw us away if we behave badly, but if and when we seek reconciliation with Him, He will always forgive us.

We believe that walking with God does not signify an easy life, but it does mean that we live with the knowledge and security that God is sovereign. He has not forgotten or abandoned us.

Our purpose: make a difference in life

We believe that no one is an accident, but that all of us have been created with a special purpose.

We believe that our past does not define our future, but that God uses all of our experiences for good.

We believe that true change is possible, and that walking hand-and-hand with Jesus makes a real difference in our character and daily life.

The Christian life: community & faith

We make an effort to not depend on our circumstances to be happy. Instead, we seek an abundant life based on an authentic relationship with God.

We strive to live without desiring the past or the future, but instead rejoicing immensely in the present.

We seek to not live alone, but in community to learn from and support each other.

We aim to avoid conforming to the broken relationships of the world. We instead seek healthy friendships and marriages based on the love and forgiveness that comes from our relationship to God.

We believe that we can serve God, not only through the more traditional routes, but in a variety of ways in each sphere of society.

We believe that we do not have to wait to serve God, but that we can do it now and right where we are: at school, home, or work.

We believe we shouldn’t belittle any talent, but that all skills are given by God and he wants to use them.

We believe that God doesn’t use people that are perfect, but those who are broken are his instruments to bless others.