Our Partners : Milamex has friends all over the world.

We are so grateful for each meaningful connection and try to steward our influence with great love. We strive to serve behind the scenes, having effective one on one conversations and sharing the resources God has given generously to His people everywhere. We take our motto of “not to be served, but to serve” very seriously.

At the end of the day, we want people to find their place in God’s mission. And whatever we can do to cheer them on, train them, connect them and make their journey a little easier so they can really thrive is our great joy!

As you might imagine, our work throughout the last 50 years has been very fruitful, but not without its share of brokenness. Relationships are hard. But at the core of our legacy is the desire to have authentic relationships and a willingness to show up and do our part. This is why our list of partners is long and beautiful. We are all on a journey to respond to God´s unique and personal invitation to be a part of establishing His kingdom. And in the midst of change and chaos, we know we are stronger together.

Some of our partners give financially to our work, others send teams, students and volunteers. Some partners pray for us and cheer us on, connecting us with their networks and sharing their knowledge and resources. Several organizations work with us directly on editing and translating projects. Others are doing amazing work and we are privileged to send people their way through our coaching programs. We often work on projects with other organizations.

Collaboration is truly a sweet gift!